
After the Roundup : Escape and Survival in Hitler’s France  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by readerXXI at Jan. 20, 2018
After the Roundup : Escape and Survival in Hitler’s France

After the Roundup : Escape and Survival in Hitler’s France
by Joseph Weismann and Richard Kutner
English | 2017 | ISBN: 0253026911 | 176 Pages | PDF | 1.62 MB

After the Roundup: Escape and Survival in Hitler’s France  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by First1 at July 26, 2018
After the Roundup: Escape and Survival in Hitler’s France

After the Roundup: Escape and Survival in Hitler’s France by Joseph Weismann
English | April 24th, 2017 | ISBN: 0253026911, 0253026806 | 176 Pages | EPUB | 0.67 MB

On the nights of July 16 and 17, 1942, French police rounded up eleven-year-old Joseph Weismann, his family, and 13,000 other Jews. After being held for five days in appalling conditions in the Vélodrome d'Hiver stadium, Joseph and his family were transported by cattle car to the Beaune-la-Rolande internment camp and brutally separated: all the adults and most of the children were transported on to Auschwitz and certain death, but 1,000 children were left behind to wait for a later train.

Maurice Leblanc - Arsenio Lupin. La vendetta di Cagliostro  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at July 7, 2023
Maurice Leblanc - Arsenio Lupin. La vendetta di Cagliostro

Maurice Leblanc - Arsenio Lupin. La vendetta di Cagliostro
Italiano | 2023 | 224 pages | ISBN: 8881545810 | EPUB | 0,7 MB

Mentre si trova in banca, Raoul d’Averny (alias Arsenio Lupin) nota un signore miope, dall’aria antica e vestito a lutto, intento a contare una vertiginosa somma di denaro. Naturalmente, il celebre ladro gentiluomo non può che seguire una figura tanto bizzarra e arriva fino a Le Vésinet, una pittoresca cittadina nei dintorni di Parigi. Con uno stratagemma entra nelle vite di Philippe Gaverel, l’anziano della banca, e delle due nipoti, Élisabeth e Rolande. Ben presto, però, l’apparente tranquillità del quartiere si tinge dei colori di un dramma: un omicidio, innumerevoli inganni, l’insinuazione di un legame di sangue tra Lupin e il presunto assassino, Félicien Charles, l’indecifrabile ostilità della bella Faustine. La misteriosa fortuna dei Gaverel porterà Raoul molto più lontano di quanto sospettasse, fino a scovare nell’ombra lo zampino di una creatura infernale, la temibile Cagliostro, in un vortice di eventi che coinvolgerà tutti i personaggi, protagonisti e vittime di un’intricata storia d’amore e di vendetta.

«Love's Rescue ebook» by Linda Shenton Matchett  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Gelsomino at Dec. 9, 2022
«Love's Rescue ebook» by Linda Shenton Matchett

«Love's Rescue ebook» by Linda Shenton Matchett
English | EPUB | 2.2 MB

From a World Apart: A Little Girl in the Concentration Camps  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at Sept. 26, 2021
From a World Apart: A Little Girl in the Concentration Camps

From a World Apart: A Little Girl in the Concentration Camps By Francine Christophe
2000 | 179 Pages | ISBN: 080326402X | PDF | 11 MB
Jaye P. Morgan - Just You, Just Me (1958/2021) [Official Digital Download 24/96]

Jaye P. Morgan - Just You, Just Me (1958/2021) [Official Digital Download 24/96]
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/96 kHz | Front Cover | Time - 34:50 minutes | 635 MB
Jazz | Label: RevOla, Official Digital Download

Jaye P. Morgan (born Mary Margaret Morgan; December 3, 1931) is a retired American popular music singer, actress, and game show panelist.

21 rue de La Boétie - Anne Sinclair  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Maroutan at Dec. 26, 2018
21 rue de La Boétie - Anne Sinclair

21 rue de La Boétie - Anne Sinclair
French | 2013 | 252 Pages | ISBN: 2253173312 | EPUB | 1.84 MB

« Vos quatre grands-parents sont-ils français ? » me demanda le-monsieur-de-derrière-le-comptoir. Cette question, on l'avait posée pour la dernière fois à ceux qui devaient bientôt monter dans un train, venant de Pithiviers, de Beaune-la-Rolande ou du Vel d'Hiv… et cela suffit à raviver en moi le souvenir de mon grand-père, Paul Rosenberg, ami et conseiller des peintres, dont la galerie se trouvait au 21, rue La Boétie. Attirée, malgré moi, par cette adresse et par l'histoire tragique qui y est attachée, j'ai eu soudain envie de revisiter la légende familiale…