Stephen Hawking Penrose

Stephen Hawking Sammlung  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Bibliotkaaa at June 11, 2022
Stephen Hawking Sammlung

Stephen Hawking Sammlung
Deutsch | ISBN: N/A | 13 Ebooks | EPUB, PDF | 33.30 MB

Stephen Hawking and the Divine Author: The Day Hawking Found God But Could't Believe His Eyes  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Free butterfly at Sept. 7, 2021
Stephen Hawking and the Divine Author: The Day Hawking Found God But Could't Believe His Eyes

Stephen Hawking and the Divine Author: The Day Hawking Found God But Could't Believe His Eyes by Mr Fred Harding
English | July 6, 2015 | ISBN: 1512003956 | 246 pages | MOBI | 6.88 Mb

La natura dello spazio e del tempo - Stephen Hawking & Roger Penrose  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Maroutan at Feb. 17, 2017
La natura dello spazio e del tempo - Stephen Hawking & Roger Penrose

La natura dello spazio e del tempo. Che cosa la mente umana può comprendere dell'universo - Stephen Hawking & Roger Penrose
Italian | 2017 | 150 Pages | ISBN: 8817092754 | EPUB | 2.42 MB

Come elaborare un modello teorico generale in grado di descrivere l'universo in modo unitario e coerente? È questa la domanda cruciale che accompagna la ricerca scientifica ormai da un secolo, da quando nel primo Novecento la teoria della relatività generale e la meccanica quantistica rivoluzionarono il nostro modo di concepire i meccanismi della natura: entrambe assolutamente efficaci e capaci di spiegare fenomeni fisici fondamentali, le due teorie rispondono in modo diverso a questioni decisive ma ancora irrisolte, suscitando controversie anche tra i maggiori fisici al mondo…

Channel 4 - Stephen Hawking: A Brief History of Mine (2013)  Movies

Posted by Tutorial at March 14, 2019
Channel 4 - Stephen Hawking: A Brief History of Mine (2013)

Channel 4 - Stephen Hawking: A Brief History of Mine (2013)
HDTV | 1280 x 720 | .MKV/AVC @ 2286 Kbps | 1h 28mn | English AAC 160 kbps, 2 channels | 1.51 GB
Genre: Documentary

A Brief History of Mine This new feature-length biographical film tells the extraordinary and dramatic story of the planet's most famous living scientist, told for the first time in his own words and by those closest to him. Made with unique access to his private life, this is an intimate and moving journey into Stephen Hawking's past and present.

Stephen Hawking, "La brève histoire de ma vie : Biographie"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Oct. 23, 2017
Stephen Hawking, "La brève histoire de ma vie : Biographie"

Stephen Hawking, "La brève histoire de ma vie : Biographie"
Flammarion | 2014 | ISBN: 2081330547 | French | EPUB | 169 pages | 3.1 MB

Pour la première fois, une légende de la science – l’astrophysicien Stephen Hawking – se confie et raconte l’extraordinaire aventure de sa vie. La portée de son œuvre scientifique est connue, grâce au succès planétaire d’Une brève histoire du temps. En revanche, l’itinéraire de cet esprit unique reste encore mystérieux, occulté par la maladie neuro-dégénérative qui meurtrit son corps depuis 50 ans.
L’éducation qu’il reçut favorisa-t-elle l’éclosion de son génie ? Quelle fut sa formation intellectuelle dans l’Angleterre d’après-guerre, d’Oxford à Cambridge où il occupa longtemps la chaire de mathématiques ? …

Hawking on the Big Bang and Black Holes (repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by arundhati at Oct. 10, 2018
Hawking on the Big Bang and Black Holes (repost)

Stephen W. Hawking, "Hawking on the Big Bang and Black Holes"
1993 | ISBN: 9810210787, 9810210795 | PDF | 320 pages | 19 MB

«Hawking esencial» by Jorge Blaschke  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Gelsomino at Dec. 27, 2019
«Hawking esencial» by Jorge Blaschke

«Hawking esencial» by Jorge Blaschke
Español | ISBN: 9788499175263 | EPUB | 9.3 MB

The Nature of Space and Time  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Bayron at Jan. 21, 2017
The Nature of Space and Time

The Nature of Space and Time by Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose
English | 2010 | ISBN: 0691145709, 0691037914 | 144 pages | EPUB | 2 MB

The Nature of Space and Time  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Free butterfly at April 11, 2020
The Nature of Space and Time

The Nature of Space and Time by Stephen W. Hawking, Roger Penrose
English | January 28, 1996 | ISBN: 0691037914 | 150 pages | PDF | 5.43 Mb

The Nature of Space and Time (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by igor_lv at April 12, 2018
The Nature of Space and Time  (Repost)

The Nature of Space and Time by Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose
English | 2010 | ISBN: 0691145709, 0691037914 | 144 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
Relativity, Physics