Trainspotting Ita

Trainspotting (1996)  Movies

Posted by Without at March 16, 2017
Trainspotting (1996)

Trainspotting (1996)
BDRip 1080p | MKV | 1920x1072 | AVC@10.6 Mb/s | English DTS@1509 kb/s
Subs: English | 5 channels | 1 h 33 min | 7.91 GB
Genre: Drama

Renton, deeply immersed in the Edinburgh drug scene, tries to clean up and get out, despite the allure of the drugs and influence of friends.

T2 Trainspotting (2017)  Movies

Posted by EXGenerator at May 26, 2017
T2 Trainspotting (2017)

T2 Trainspotting (2017)
BDRiP | MKV | 1h 57mn | 720x388 | AVC@1020 Kbps | English | AAC@109 Kpbs | 2 channels | Subtitles: English | 949 MB
Genre: Drama

After 20 years abroad, Mark Renton returns to Scotland and reunites with his old friends Sick Boy, Spud, and Begbie.

T2 Trainspotting (2017)  Movies

Posted by wcruiser at May 26, 2017
T2 Trainspotting (2017)

T2 Trainspotting (2017)
BRRip | AVI | 720x388 | XviD @ 1595 Kbps | 1h 57mn | English AC3 (6 ch) @ 448 Kbps | 1.69 GB
720p BDRip | MKV | 1280x688 | x264 @ 5154 Kbps | 1h 57mn | English DTS (6 ch) @ 1509 Kbps | 5.47 GB
1080p BDRip | MKV | 1920x1040 | x264 @ 9156 Kbps | 1h 57mn | English DTS (6 ch) @ 1509 Kbps | 8.75 GB
Sub: English
Genre: Drama

First there was an opportunity……then there was a betrayal. Twenty years have gone by. Much has changed but just as much remains the same. Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor) returns to the only place he can ever call home. They are waiting for him: Spud (Ewen Bremner), Sick Boy (Jonny Lee Miller), and Begbie (Robert Carlyle). Other old friends are waiting too: sorrow, loss, joy, vengeance, hatred, friendship, love, longing, fear, regret, diamorphine, self-destruction and mortal danger, they are all lined up to welcome him, ready to join the dance.

A United Kingdom: L'amore che ha cambiato la storia (2016)  Movies

Posted by JohnSmith at Aug. 24, 2017
A United Kingdom: L'amore che ha cambiato la storia (2016)

A United Kingdom: L'amore che ha cambiato la storia / A United Kingdom (2016)
BDRip | MKV / XviD@1330 kb/s | 720x304 | 1h 51mn | 1.53 GB
Italian (dubbed): AC3, 640 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian (forced, full)
BDRip 720p | MKV / AVC@4447 kb/s | 1280x536 | 1h 51mn | 4.61 GB
Italian (dubbed): DTS, 1509 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian (forced, full)
BDRip 1080p | MKV / AVC@8762 kb/s | 1920x808 | 1h 51mn | 7.94 GB
Italian (dubbed): DTS, 1509 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian (forced, full)
Genre: Biography | Drama | Romance

La storia di Seretse Khama, principe del Botswana, e della sua moglie britannica bianca Ruth Williams, il cui matrimonio interrazziale negli anni Quaranta si rivelò assai controverso. Nonostante lo scandalo, Seretse venne eletto primo presidente del Paese.

Frantz (2016)  Movies

Posted by JohnSmith at March 3, 2017
Frantz (2016)

Frantz (2016)
BDRip | MKV / AVC@1887 kb/s | 848x356 | 1h 54mn | 2.02 GB
Italian: AC3, 640 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian (forced, full)
BDRip 720p | MKV / AVC@4294 kb/s | 1280x536 | 1h 54mn | 4.63 GB
Italian: DTS, 1509 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian (forced, full)
BDRip 1080p | MKV / AVC@9666 kb/s | 1920x804 | 1h 54mn | 8.91 GB
Italian: DTS, 1509 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian (forced, full)
Genre: Drama | History | War

In una cittadina tedesca poco dopo la Prima guerra mondiale, Anna si reca tutti i giorni sulla tomba del fidanzato Frantz, ucciso in Francia. Un giorno Adrien, un misterioso ragazzo francese, porta dei fiori alla tomba e la sua presenza susciterà delle reazioni imprevedibili in un ambiente segnato dalla sconfitta tedesca.

Doctor Strange (2016) [UPDATE]  Movies

Posted by JohnSmith at Feb. 24, 2017
Doctor Strange (2016) [UPDATE]

Doctor Strange (2016)
BDRip | MKV / AVC@1960 kb/s | 848x356 | 1h 54mn | 2.09 GB
Italian: AC3, 640 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian, English
BDRip 720p | MKV / AVC@5287 kb/s | 1280x536 | 1h 54mn | 5.46 GB
Italian: DTS, 1509 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian, English
BDRip 1080p | MKV / AVC@9656 kb/s | 1920x804 | 1h 54mn | 8.97 GB
Italian: DTS, 1509 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian, English
Genre: Action | Adventure | Fantasy | Sci-Fi

Stephen Strange, eccentrico neurochirurgo, perde l'uso delle mani in un incidente. Ciò compromette inevitabilmente la sua carriera e, alla ricerca di una soluzione disperata, Strange si reca in Himalaya, dove scopre il misticismo e la potenza dei poteri magici grazie al futuro mentore Antico.

Sing (2016)  Movies

Posted by JohnSmith at March 29, 2017
Sing (2016)

Sing (2016)
BDRip | MKV / AVC@1960 kb/s | 848x458 | 1h 47mn | 1.96 GB
Italian (dubbed): AC3, 640 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian (forced, full)
BDRip 720p | MKV / AVC@2870 kb/s | 1280x688 | 1h 47mn | 2.65 GB
Italian (dubbed): AC3, 640 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian (forced, full)
BDRip 1080p | MKV / AVC@5160 kb/s | 1920x1040 | 1h 47mn | 4.37 GB
Italian (dubbed): AC3, 640 kb/s (6 ch) | Subtitles: Italian (forced, full)
Genre: Animation | Comedy | Drama | Family | Music

In un mondo abitato unicamente da animali, Buster Moon è un koala a capo di un grande teatro caduto in disgrazia. Ottimista ma un po' mascalzone, ama immensamente il teatro e farebbe di tutto per preservarlo. Di fronte al crollo di ogni ambizione, ha un'ultima possibilità per riportare in auge il locale producendo la più grande gara di canto mai organizzata prima.

The Blind King (2016)  Movies

Posted by edi1967 at Aug. 11, 2017
The Blind King (2016)

The Blind King (2016)
A Film by Raffaele Picchio
BDRip | AVI | 720 x 304 | Xvid @ 1899 Kbps | 01:30:50 | 5% Recovery | 2.0 GB
Audio: English, Italian (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps (6ch) | Subtitles: Italian (.srt)
BDRip 720p | x264 MKV | 1280 x 534 | AVC @ 4431 Kbps | 01:30:50 | 5% Recovery | 5.5 GB
Audio: English, Italian (dubbed) DTS @ 1536 Kbps; English, Italian (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps CBR (6ch)
Subtitles: Italian
Genre: Horror

Craig si è appena trasferito in una nuova casa insieme a sua figlia, cercando di riprendere le redini della sua vita dopo l’improvviso suicidio della sua compagna. Sua figlia, che dall’accaduto ha smesso di parlare, è tormentata da incubi e da una inquietante figura nera che la chiama a se - A man is left alone with his daughter who can't speak due to a past trauma.

Ghost in the Shell (2017)  Movies

Posted by edi1967 at Aug. 20, 2017
Ghost in the Shell (2017)

Ghost in the Shell (2017)
A Film by Rupert Sanders
BDRip 720p | x265 MKV | 1280 x 720 | HEVC @ 2910 Kbps | 01:46:33 | 5% Recovery | 2.7 GB
Audio: Italian (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps | Subtitles: English, Italian (.srt)
BDRip 1080p | x265 MKV | 1920 x 1080 | HEVC @ 5862 Kbps | 01:46:57 | 5% Recovery | 5.0 GB
Audio: Italian (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps | Subtitles: English, Italian (.srt)
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama

Major è un singolare ibrido umano-cyborg delle operazioni speciali a capo della task force d'élite Section 9. Dedicato a contrastare i più pericolosi criminali ed estremisti, Section 9 affronta un nemico il cui unico obiettivo è eliminare gli sviluppi di cyber tecnologia della Hanka Robotic.

Terminator: Destino Oscuro / Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)  Movies

Posted by edi1967 at March 29, 2020
Terminator: Destino Oscuro / Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

Terminator: Destino Oscuro / Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Director Tim Miller
BDRip | AVI | 720x304 | Xvid @ 1579 Kbps | 02:08:06 | 5% Recovery | 2.0 GB
Audio: Italiano (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps (6ch) | Subtitles: Italiano, English
BDRip 720p | x264 MKV | 1280x536 | AVC @ 4619 Kbps | 02:08:35 | 5% Recovery | 6.1 GB
BDRip 1080p | x264 MKV | 1920x804 | AVC @ 10400 Kbps | 02:08:35 | 5% Recovery | 11.4 GB
Audio: Italiano (dubbed) DTS @ 768 Kbps (6ch); Italiano, English AC3 @ 640 Kbps (6ch)
Subtitles: Italiano, English
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

Terminator: Destino Oscuro, sesto film della celebre saga creata da James Cameron con il primo capitolo del 1984, è un sequel diretto dei primi due film ed è ambientato 27 anni dopo gli avvenimenti di Terminator 2. Protagonista della storia è ancora Sarah Connor - The Mexican worker Dani Ramos is hunted down by the indestructible terminator from the future REV-9 that kills her father and brother and is protected by the enhanced soldier also from the future Grace. They flee from the unstoppable terminator and out of the blue Sarah Connor.