Астерикс и Обеликс: Миссия Клеопатра

Fighters. A Struggle For Superiority / История авиации СССР и России. Д.4. Истребители: Борьба за превосходство (2008) [ReUp]

Fighters. A Struggle For Superiority / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 4. Истребители: Борьба за превосходство (2008)
DVD Video | 0hr 52mn | PAL 4:3 | 720x576 | 2.74 Gb
Russian \ English: Dolby AC3, 2 ch; English: Dolby AC3, 6 ch
Subtitle: None
Genre: Documentary | Historical

This is a documentary of "Wings of Russia" studio about history of development of Russian Aviation. It contains a lot of unique video footage. The documentary speaks about creation and development of fighters, bombers, helicopters, reconnaissance planes, hydro-planes, planes of civilian Aviation and also about sport and training Aviation, in the USSR and Russia.
Fighters. The Stormy Years / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 2. Истребители: Грозовые годы (2008) [ReUp]

Fighters. The Stormy Years / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 2. Истребители: Грозовые годы (2008)
DVD Video | 0hr 51mn | PAL 4:3 | 720x576 | 3.47 Gb
Russian \ English: Dolby AC3, 2 ch; English: Dolby AC3, 6 ch
Subtitle: None
Genre: Documentary | Historical

This is a documentary of "Wings of Russia" studio about history of development of Russian Aviation. It contains a lot of unique video footage. The documentary speaks about creation and development of fighters, bombers, helicopters, reconnaissance planes, hydro-planes, planes of civilian Aviation and also about sport and training Aviation, in the USSR and Russia.
Fighters. Jet Era / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 3. Истребители: Реактивная эра (2008) [ReUp]

Fighters. Jet Era / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 3. Истребители: Реактивная эра (2008)
DVD Video | 0hr 51mn | PAL 4:3 | 720x576 | 2.97 Gb
Russian \ English: Dolby AC3, 2 ch; English: Dolby AC3, 6 ch
Subtitle: None
Genre: Documentary | Historical

This is a documentary of "Wings of Russia" studio about history of development of Russian Aviation. It contains a lot of unique video footage. The documentary speaks about creation and development of fighters, bombers, helicopters, reconnaissance planes, hydro-planes, planes of civilian Aviation and also about sport and training Aviation, in the USSR and Russia.
Bombers. The Flying Armada / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 5. Бомбардировщики: Крылатая армада (2008) [ReUp]

Bombers. The Flying Armada / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 5. Бомбардировщики: Крылатая армада (2008)
DVD Video | 0hr 51mn | PAL 4:3 | 720x576 | 3.44 Gb
Russian \ English: Dolby AC3, 2 ch; English: Dolby AC3, 6 ch
Subtitle: None
Genre: Documentary | Historical

This is a documentary of "Wings of Russia" studio about history of development of Russian Aviation. It contains a lot of unique video footage. The documentary speaks about creation and development of fighters, bombers, helicopters, reconnaissance planes, hydro-planes, planes of civilian Aviation and also about sport and training Aviation, in the USSR and Russia.
Bombers. The Cold War / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 6. Бомбардировщики. Холодная война (2008) [ReUp]

Bombers. The Cold War / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 6. Бомбардировщики. Холодная война (2008)
DVD Video | 0hr 52mn | PAL 4:3 | 720x576 | 2.76 Gb
Russian \ English: Dolby AC3, 2 ch; English: Dolby AC3, 6 ch
Subtitle: None
Genre: Documentary | Historical

This is a documentary of "Wings of Russia" studio about history of development of Russian Aviation. It contains a lot of unique video footage. The documentary speaks about creation and development of fighters, bombers, helicopters, reconnaissance planes, hydro-planes, planes of civilian Aviation and also about sport and training Aviation, in the USSR and Russia.
Civil Aircraft. The Air Carriers / История авиации СССР и России. Д9. Гражданские самолеты. Воздушныe извозчики (2008) [ReUp]

Civil Aircraft. The Air Carriers / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 9. Гражданские самолеты. Воздушныe извозчики (2008)
DVD Video | 0hr 52mn | PAL 4:3 | 720x576 | 3.48 Gb
Russian \ English: Dolby AC3, 2 ch; English: Dolby AC3, 6 ch
Subtitle: None
Genre: Documentary | Historical

This is a documentary of "Wings of Russia" studio about history of development of Russian Aviation. It contains a lot of unique video footage. The documentary speaks about creation and development of fighters, bombers, helicopters, reconnaissance planes, hydro-planes, planes of civilian Aviation and also about sport and training Aviation, in the USSR and Russia.
Helicopters. The Air Rovers / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 13. Вертолеты. Воздушные вездеходы (2008) [ReUp]

Helicopters. The Air Rovers / История авиации Советского Союза и России. Диск 13. Вертолеты. Воздушные вездеходы (2008)
DVD Video | 0hr 50mn | PAL 4:3 | 720x576 | 3.39 Gb
Russian \ English: Dolby AC3, 2 ch; English: Dolby AC3, 6 ch
Subtitle: None
Genre: Documentary | Historical

This is a documentary of "Wings of Russia" studio about history of development of Russian Aviation. It contains a lot of unique video footage. The documentary speaks about creation and development of fighters, bombers, helicopters, reconnaissance planes, hydro-planes, planes of civilian Aviation and also about sport and training Aviation, in the USSR and Russia.
Санкт-Петербург и пригороды / Saint-Petersburg and its environs (2005)

Санкт-Петербург и пригороды / Saint-Petersburg and its environs (2005)
DVDRip | Mkv | 2hr 59mn | AVC, ~1,9 Mbps | 696x576 | 3.04 Gb
English \ French \ German \ Russian: Dolby AC3, 2 ch, 128 kbps
Subtitles: English, French, German, Russian
Genre: Documentary, Excursion

From this film you can get the fullest information about Saint-Petersburg and its environs. You will see Saint-Petersburg from a bird`s eye view, sail along its rivers and channels, enjoy the raising of bridges in the time of white nights. The film presents an exclusive scene of the Peterhof fountains festival with splendid night fireworks.
Skazka o rybake i rybke / Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке (1950)

Skazka o rybake i rybke / Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке (1950)
DVDRip | MKV | AVC 720x576, ~ 1.9 Mbps | 0hr 30mn | 463 MB
Russian (Русский): AC3, 2 ch, 224 kbps
Subtitles: English, Russian (Русский), French (Français), Spanish (Español), Italian (Italiano), Dutch (Nederlands)
Genre: Animation, Short

The tale about an old henpecked whose new friend fulfills all desires of his wife.

Father and Son / Otets i syn / Отец и сын (2003)  Movies

Posted by RSU75 at Oct. 7, 2019
Father and Son / Otets i syn / Отец и сын (2003)

Father and Son / Otets i syn / Отец и сын (2003)
DVD Video | 1hr 22mn | PAL 16:9 | 720x576 | 5.92 GB
DVDRip | MKV | AVC 720x576, ~ 1.9 Mbps | 1hr 22mn | 1.21 GB
Russian (Russian): Dolby AC3, 2 ch, 192 kbps | Subtitles: English
Genre: Drama | Director: Aleksandr Sokurov

A father and his son live together in a roof-top apartment. They have lived alone for years in their own private world, full of memories and daily rites. Sometimes they seem like brothers. Sometimes even like lovers. Following in his father's path, Aleksei attends military school. He likes sports, tends to be irresponsible and has problems with his girlfriend. She is jealous of Aleksei's close relationship with his father. Despite knowing that all sons must one day live their own lives, Aleksei is conflicted; his father knows he should accept a better job in another city, perhaps search for a new wife, but who will ease the pain of Aleksei's nightmares?