After the critical (and commercial) success of her debut two years earlier, Rickie Lee Jones had a lot riding on her sophomore album, Pirates. From the opening track, "We Belong Together," Jones served notice that she was willing to challenge herself and experiment with more unusual, complex song structures…
Frode Berg plays six-string electric and acoustic bass with zeal on Dig It! (Nagel-Heyer). Tenor saxophonist Petter Wettre sounds somewhat bland and regressive on the band’s rendition of “Giant Steps” but is quite spirited and exuberant on “41b” and “Hocum,” both penned by group pianist Roy Powell. Wettre is even more energized on Berg’s “Sir Nuke” and “I’m Gone.” The Norwegian quartet nicely handles bossa nova on “Another Song,” one of five Berg compositions on the CD. Berg’s unit sounds loose and relaxed on almost every cut-the Coltrane anthem excepted.
Vertical and layered in form, “Strata” is austere and powerful music with a clearly Northern sensibility. The textures swirl and surge restlessly, building tension with harsh, emphatic brass chords set against high winds. There is an instense staccato outburst halfway through – with malign, mach-like drumming passages – evincing the composer’s rock influenes. Near the end, Tüür uses a pastoral motif from an Estonian (“Setu”) folksong, as the music slows down and coalesces in a shimmering coda and a sense of infinity in its long slow fade to silence. Performances by the Nordic Symphony Orchestra under Anu Tali are bracing, powerful, and very well recorded.
Tous les quatre ans, la CIA remet un rapport au président américain élu sur l'évolution du monde pour les vingt prochaines années. Le dernier en date annonce un ralentissement de la croissance démographique, une forte migration liée aux changements climatiques, le rôle majeur de l'intelligence artificielle, le renforcement des acteurs non étatiques, entre autres. …
Vols habités jusqu’à Mars et au-delà, débris orbitaux, astéroïdes tueurs, énergie et matière noire… l’astrophysique et l’astronautique recèlent encore bien des mystères, pour les passionnés autant que pour toute personne ayant un jour levé les yeux vers les étoiles. …