The two volumes of Mermaid Avenue, released in 1998 and 2000 and named after the New York street where legendary folk artist Woody Guthrie lived in the 1940s, were collaborations between cult American alt-country/avant-garde rockers Wilco and revered British protest singer Billy Bragg, on which they set to music previously unreleased lyrics by Guthrie. This exhaustive four-disc set features both releases together with a whole new album of previously unreleased songs and the documentary Man in the Sand, which chronicles the project.
The "forgotten" series from NOW has been great. We have now reached the 1960s and there are many forgotten gems on here. But they do say that if you can remember the 60's you weren't there. There are some, I must admit, I have never heard of and most of this seems a bit middle of the road and listening today it is clean quite how and why The Beatles had such a massive impact.