El País launches for sale LORCA VIVO, a unique CD-book in which the poetry of Lorca is performed by great flamenco artists and also in which great prestigious firms such as José Manuel Caballero Bonald and Cristina Cruces-Roldán write about the most iconic poet of twentieth century literature. The passion of Lorca and flamenco united in an unprecedented book-CD. An exclusive edition.
With Soy Flamenco Tomatito felt free to browse an impressive variety of styles and forms that meet alternately or simultaneously, the spirit and the letter of flamenco. He is the composer from seven of ten tracks on this album which is flamenco today at its highest level.
What happens when a group of visionary musicians get together for the live performance of something very sophisticated, lead by one of jazz's heaviest hitters? The answer, of course, if magic. Now, what happens if all those things are true, but it is simply before the musician's time? Uncontrolled magic. When rhythm section players like Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Felipe Cabrera, Roberto Vizcaíno, and Horacio "El Negro" Hernández take the stage, there is Cuban alchemy so strong that concepts like tumbao and clave become obsolete, irrelevant. The horn players, Lazaro Cruz and Rafael Carrasco, together form an amazing voice, and individually push the style to new levels. The complexity of Rubalcaba's arrangements are unparalleled in modern Latin jazz.
The first recordings made by Rocío Jurado of flamenco that made her succeed before she became the extraordinary copla interpreter. They are recordings of the period 1962-1966. Las primeras grabaciones que hizo Rocío Jurado de flamenco y que le hicieron triunfar antes de convertirse en la intérprete extraordinaria de copla. Son grabaciones del período 1962-1966.