Matlab 2008

Engineering Computation with MATLAB (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by DZ123 at May 9, 2018
Engineering Computation with MATLAB (Repost)

David M. Smith, "Engineering Computation with MATLAB"
English | 2009 | ISBN: 0136080634 | PDF | pages: 618 | 12.6 mb

Strategic Asset Allocation in Fixed Income Markets: A Matlab Based User's Guide  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by step778 at Nov. 2, 2023
Strategic Asset Allocation in Fixed Income Markets: A Matlab Based User's Guide

Ken Nyholm, "Strategic Asset Allocation in Fixed Income Markets: A Matlab Based User's Guide"
English | 2008 | pages: 187 | ISBN: 0470753625 | PDF | 2,4 mb

Digitale Signalverarbeitung mit MATLAB®-Praktikum  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at July 18, 2022
Digitale Signalverarbeitung mit MATLAB®-Praktikum

Digitale Signalverarbeitung mit MATLAB®-Praktikum: Zustandsraumdarstellung, Lattice-Strukturen, Prädiktion und adaptive Filter by Martin Werner
Deutsch | PDF | 2008 | 233 Pages | ISBN : 3834803936 | 5.9 MB

Wie implementiert man ein robustes digitales Filter? Und wie wird ein Filter durchstimmbar? Wie entwirft man ein System, das Signalwerte vorhersagt und sich dynamisch an Veränderungen anpasst?
Antworten zu diesen und ähnlichen Fragen finden Sie im Buch. Es führt in fortgeschrittene Methoden der digitalen Signalverarbeitung durch praktische Übungen am PC ein. 16 Versuche werden angeboten, die aus einer kompakten Einführung, einem Vorbereitungsteil mit Aufgaben und einem Versuchsteil mit MATLAB-Übungen bestehen. Das didaktische Konzept, möglichst einfache MATLAB®-Befehle zu verwenden, öffnet den Blick auf die Algorithmen, so dass das Gelernte schnell in die Praxis, z. B. der Mikrocontroller-Programmierung für eingebettete Systeme, übertragen werden kann.

Calcolo scientifico: Esercizi e problemi risolti con MATLAB e Octave  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at April 4, 2023
Calcolo scientifico: Esercizi e problemi risolti con MATLAB e Octave

Calcolo scientifico: Esercizi e problemi risolti con MATLAB e Octave by Alfio Quarteroni , Fausto Saleri
Italiano | PDF(True) | 2008 | 372 Pages | ISBN : 8847008379 | 6.4 MB

Questo testo è espressamente concepito per i corsi brevi del nuovo ordinamento delle Facoltà di Ingegneria e di Scienze. Esso affronta tutti gli argomenti tipici della Matematica Numerica, spaziando dal problema di approssimare una funzione, al calcolo dei suoi zeri, delle sue derivate e del suo integrale definito fino alla risoluzione approssimata di equazioni differenziali ordinarie e di problemi ai limiti. Due capitoli sono inoltre dedicati alla risoluzione di sistemi lineari ed al calcolo degli autovalori di una matrice, mentre un capitolo iniziale conduce lo studente ad un rapido ripasso degli argomenti dell'Analisi Matematica di uso frequente nel volume e ad una introduzione al linguaggio Matlab. I vari argomenti sono volutamente affrontati a livello elementare ed i paragrafi che richiedono maggior impegno sono stati opportunamente contrassegnati. In questa quarta edizione il linguaggio Octave (di distribuzione gratuita) si affianca a MATLAB.

Mathworks Matlab R2016a(b) Update 7  Software

Posted by scutter at June 15, 2019
Mathworks Matlab R2016a(b) Update 7

Mathworks Matlab R2016a(b) Update 7 | 51.6 Gb

The MathWorks team is pleased to announce the availability of MATLAB R2015a(b) Update 7. This update contains bug fixes to R2016a(b), including all the fixes from previous updates.

Mathworks MATLAB R2017(a)b Update (3)9  Software

Posted by scutter at Aug. 13, 2019
Mathworks MATLAB R2017(a)b Update (3)9

Mathworks MATLAB R2017(a)b Update (3)9 | 74.5 Gb

The MathWorks team is pleased to announce the availability of MATLAB R2017a Update 3 & MATLAB R2017b Update 9. This update contains bug fixes to R2017a(b), including all the fixes from previous updates.

Mathworks MATLAB R2015b Update1  Software

Posted by scutter at March 26, 2019
Mathworks MATLAB R2015b Update1

Mathworks MATLAB R2015b Update1 | 31.1 Gb

The MathWorks team is pleased to announce the availability of MATLAB R2015b Update 1. This update contains bug fixes to R2015b, including all the fixes from previous updates.

Mathworks Matlab R2015a SP1 Update 3  Software

Posted by scutter at March 21, 2019
Mathworks Matlab R2015a SP1 Update 3

Mathworks Matlab R2015a SP1 Update 3 | 30.4 Gb

The MathWorks team is pleased to announce the availability of MATLAB R2015a SP1 Update 3. This update contains bug fixes to R2015a SP1, including all the fixes from previous updates.

MathWorks MATLAB R2017a  Software

Posted by scutter at March 20, 2017
MathWorks MATLAB R2017a

MathWorks MATLAB R2017a | 10.0 Gb

MathWorks introduced Release 2017a (R2017a) with a range of new capabilities in MATLAB and Simulink. R2017a includes a new product, Automated Driving System Toolbox, which helps design, simulate, and test ADAS and autonomous driving systems. R2017a also includes updates and bug fixes to 86 other products.

MathWorks MATLAB R2017b  Software

Posted by scutter at Oct. 6, 2017
MathWorks MATLAB R2017b

MathWorks MATLAB R2017b | 11.8 Gb

MathWorks introduced Release 2017b (R2017b), which includes new features in MATLAB and Simulink, six new products, and updates and bug fixes to 86 other products. The release also adds new important deep learning capabilities that simplify how engineers, researchers, and other domain experts design, train, and deploy models.